Welcome to the Camp Boiberik Home Page,
the most lebedik and freylekh page on the Web

Camp Boiberik: The Growth of an Idea
by Leibush Lehrer, Founder of Camp Boiberik

A Brief History of Camp Boiberik
by Itzik Gottesman (EE72)

Boiberik promotional brochure

Visit the Camp Boiberik Group on Facebook.

Camp Boiberik Memories

Slideshow of Camp Boiberik photos, created by Wendy Kenigsberg


We are creating a Registry of people associated with Camp Boiberik

There is also an online discussion group for Boiberikaner.
To be added to this discussion group, contact boiberik-admin@media.mit.edu

Images from Boiberik

Felker photos
Bunk Photos
Photos from Susan Sager Marenus
Photos from Marcia Bramson Spellman
Photos from Arnie (Peewee) Temkin
Photos from Etta Milbauer Rosen (EE66)
Special Reunion 1998 Photo Album! (organized by Evan Reisner)
Shabbes horseshoe lineup in 1952 (from Eli Goodman)
Photos from Susan Arnsten Russell (EE74)
Photos from Helen Rosner Frey (EE72)
Photos from Ron Cohen (EE71)
Photos from Michelle Levy
Photos from Mark Drabkin (EE69)
Photos from EE71 reunion (Aug 2003)
Photos of Issy Gutman (1923-26)
Photos from Ron Kushner (1948)
Bunk photo (YE boys, 1967) from Dan Schwartzman
Oil painting from 1930s (courtesy of Abe Jankowitz)
Dining-room mural by Tsip Waletzky
Photos from Mark Diamond (Type "boiberik" as password, then click link at left)

Boiberik sings!

Boiberik songs from 1998-99 reunions (organized by Sandy Fifer)

Collection of lyrics from Boiberik songs (organized by Susan Arnsten Russell)

Booklet of lyrics from Boiberik songs from 1966 (provided by David Kaufmann)

Collection of Boiberik songs (from Sylvia Zimbler Burian)

Boiberik show tunes (from Sylvia Zimbler Burian)

Felker songsheet from 1966 (provided by David Kaufmann)

Audio collection of Boiberik campers singing,
from the Jewish Sound Archive at the University of Pennsylvania

The Return to Shabbes Rock (Reunion 1998)

There was a major Boiberik Reunion on April 24-26, 1998.

Here are videos of the evening sessions of the reunion.

New York Times CyberTimes article about the reunion!
(Text version of CyberTimes article)

Article by Mara Sokolsky, published in The Forward

Special Reunion Photo Album! (organized by Evan Reisner)
Reunion photos from Karen Feuer
Reunion photos from Jill Feuer

Letter to Omega from Michael Golub
Remarks by Nettie Spiwack (EE71) (Friday night at the Reunion)
Remarks by Etta Milbauer (EE66) (Saturday night at the Reunion)

A list of people who registered for the reunion
From the archives: Announcement of the reunion

Boiberik Retreat '99:
Keeping the Campfires Burning

There was a Boiberik Retreat on May 21-23, 1999
at the Camp Boiberik campgrounds (now Omega Institute)

Information about the retreat
A list of people who registered for the retreat

Photos from the Retreat
Images from the New Golden Book initiated at the Retreat

Reunion 2001: A Boiberik Odyssey
April 27-29, 2001

Reunion announcement
Reunion information
A list of people who registered for Reunion 2001
Photos from the Reunion (from Helen Frey)
Photos from the Reunion (from Alison Wolfson)

Reunion 2009

Read Michael Golub's Friday night presentation

Here are photos from the May 1-3 reunion:
Jill Feuer Wisner photos
Dennis Rand photos

See the reunion poster and the official Boiberik Reunion 2009 website

Reunion 2012!!!

Join fellow Boiberikaner May 4-6, 2012, at Boiberik/Omega!

The reunion is organized by the EE72, on the 40th anniversary of their EE summer.
Initial organizing committee: Mike Golub, Mike Coburn, Itzik Gottesman.

Register for the reunion by calling Omega at 877-944-2002.
For information about accommodations, see the Omega web site.

Here are some people who will be at the reunion:
Susan Arnsten Russell EE74
Andrea Binder EE72
David Blaiwas EE68*
Peter Blaiwas EE72
Helene Blank EE69
Judith (Simon) Bloch
Milton Bloch
Susan Bloch Leach EE79
Jane Buder Shapiro EE73*
Michael Coburn EE72
Linda Cohen Gordon EE75
Meryl Cohen Rothenberg EE75
Bobby Davis EE72
Judy Dein EE70
Shelly Dein EE73
Susan Dein Bricklin EE65
Eric Fein EE73*
Marsha Gildin EE67
Emily Giske EE75
Nancy Golding EE71*
Diane Goldkopf EE67
Michael Golub EE72
Itzik Gottesman EE72
Joy Harris EE67
Gail Heller EE77
Peter Hoppenfeld EE72
Harris Kantor EE73
Joan Kaplan Cardell EE73
Marcia Kaplan EE70
Ed Kaufmann EE70
Carole Kossoff Kimmelman EE73
Gene Lewin EE77
Julie Lewin Barudin EE75
Lisa Litman EE77
Susan Marenus EE58
Claudia Milgrim EE75
Jeff Nemeth EE70*
Jill Newfield EE75
Larry Oxman EE72
Barbara Perlov EE69*
Deb Reich EE77
Mitch Resnick EE71
Ricky Ritterman EE71
Robin Ritterman EE73
Amy Rose EE73
Marilyn Rosee EE69
Beth Rosen Merrimen EE75
Simona Rosenblatt-Hurewitz EE64
Rena Sager EE63
Benjamin Schmutter EE76
Steve Seiden EE75
Ina Sherman EE72
Renee Siegel EE70
Roger Siegel EE69*
Deena Simon Clancy EE75
Nettie Spiwack EE71
Marian Treger EE75
Josh Waletzky EE63
Judy Wilner Lawrence EE75
Allison Wolfson EE73
Evan Wolfson EE72
Jerry and Joan Wolfson
Robin Wolfson EE71
Sylvia Zimbler EE78

* = would have been EE in that year

Boiberik Reunion 2015!

Please join us for a wonderful spring weekend (May 15-17) on the Boiberik campgrounds: a chance to reconnect and sing and play and tell stories and be in that special place that is still ours.

We will have Friday night services and singing (in whites!), featuring our own wonderful incomparable Josh Waletzky. Saturday during the day is TBA, we are open to suggestions! Saturday night we will plan a fun evening activity in the guest side auditorium (also, open for suggestions, although we have some good ideas already....!). The whole weekend we can luxuriate in our camp surroundings, and enjoy healthy and delicious food, with lots of smiles and songs.

Organized by Julie Lewin (Barudin Cole) and Phyllis Eisenson (Anderson), both EE75.
Please RSVP to Julie (lewinbarudin at aol.com)
For Omega housing and registration, call 877-944-2002

Other Boiberik-related Web pages

Station Two
Michael Golub's collection of essays about life at Boiberik
from the point of view of a dining-room waiter, circa 1976

Directions to Boiberik
An old Boiberik road map (contributed by Helen Rosner Frey)
Directions to Omega Institute

This website is dedicated to the memory of Leibush Lehrer
director and guiding spirit of Camp Boiberik from 1923 to 1964

Page maintained by:
Mitchel Resnick (EE 71)