A list of 150 has turned into over 300 Boiberikaner who will be contacted for the upcoming fantasy weekend. The outpouring of memories, anecdotes, and warm correspondence has reinforced our feeling that there were people who had the same love for that childhood summer home that we did. We thank you for your overwhelming support and enthusiasm. Our weekend reunion has become a reality.
Weekend Accommodations can be made by calling Omega Institute directly at (800) 944-1001. The fee for the weekend is $195-$280 per person depending on accommodations ($55 per child).
If you bring your children, they will have to share your accommodations. This means that they will have to sleep next to you in sleeping bags. Space is limited and other courses will be held at the same time as our reunion. The weekend rate includes three meals on Saturday, two meals Sunday and your reunion fee. Be sure to tell them that you are part of the Boiberik Reunion.
A reunion pin will be mailed to you. This allows you to have use of the grounds at Omega. People without this pin will not be allowed on the premises.
Those wishing to book accommodations off the Omega grounds are welcome to make reservations at the Holiday Inn in Kingston at (914) 338-0400. Or perhaps you prefer to stay in Rhinebeck which has become an upscale, trendy, satellite suburb. You can call The Beekman Arms Hotel at (914) 876-7077 or the Village Inn of Rhinebeck (914) 876-7000.
Day Trippers must send a $25 fee per person ($10 for each child) to Amy Rose (address at end of letter). Each person will receive a special Boiberik pin to be worn when at Omega. People without this pin will not be allowed on the premises. Please do not arrive before 10:00AM. Except for snacks, Omega would prefer that food not be brought onto the grounds. Feel free to eat at Omega's cafe or in Rhinebeck.
Activities will include basketball and softball games, a photo retrospective, sing-along led by Josh Waletzky, and evening activity led by Mark Steinberg in which you can share what Boiberik meant to you. If you are interested in being a part of this, please contact Mark at (718) 268-5318 or MSAssoc105@aol.com. As of now, Omega will let us have use of the Guest Auditorium or the Lake Theater for our gatherings.
A Photo Retrospective is in the works. Please send Boiberik photos or memorabilia to Janet (Weiss) Fader [address removed]. Make sure that your name, address and telephone number are on the back of each photo. If you can, please list the people in the picture. We would prefer you to send copies of your pictures. This can be done by going to Office Max or Kinkos and making a copy of your color or black and white photos.
T-Shirts and Sweatshirts are available. They are identical to the shirts we wore as campers. To order, send bottom tear off to Amy Rose. The T-shirts are $15 and the Sweatshirts are $20. You will receive your order at the reunion.
Here is a list of people already registered for the reunion.
If you have questions, please contact:
Renee (Sobel) Siegel: Nay5@aol.com,
Michael Golub: michael_golub@mbcnet.com,
Amy Rose: arosebud@ix.netcom.com, 516-321-8713
Many thanks to Renee, Michael, and Amy for organizing the reunion!
Who's Coming to the Reunion?
How to Register for the Reunion
Where to Stay in the Rhinebeck Area
Camp Boiberik Home Page