By Michael Golub (EE72)

Author's Note

During the spring of 1987, I was working four graveyard shifts a week in a Philadelphia emergency room. My circadian rhythm shifted completely, and I found myself wide awake from midnight to six a.m., every night.

I was, at this time, also taking a creative writing course at Temple, while trying to get into their film school. I owned my first Macintosh computer, a 512K model, and was eager to get the hang of word processing on this newfangled contraption.

So you see, conditions were ripe, and I began writing a series of brief essays that allowed me to close my eyes and recreate my Boiberik experience.

"Station Two" was the result. It is a string of essays/stories, all loosely configured around the serving of a single guest side meal in the Boiberik dining room, circa 1976.

Looking back on something I wrote 12 years ago makes me cringe. However, the response to Boiberik essays distributed through the camp discussion group has been so positive, that when Mitchel suggested I post this story on the web, I decided that it was a good idea.

You will notice that I use real names. I hope that nobody is insulted. I have great affection for everyone mentioned in this story, including those people who were my nemeses, enemies, and rivals during camp days.

I. The Unwelcome Visitor

II. The Big Picture

III. Leibush Lehrer

IV. Janice Smolowitz

V. Station Two

VI. Stanley and Ben

VII. Borsht and Basketball

VIII. The Greenbergs

IX. Leon

X. The Hole

XI. Myron and Phyllis

XII. Three's

XIII. Squeaky

Addendum (July 1999)

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